women coached
of meals eaten in peace
of recovery periods
babies born
Girl, is this you?👀
You've lost your period and/or have an irregular cycle
You're trapped in the cycle of calorie counting
You get super anxious if you miss a workout and then cut your food to "make up for it"
You're petrified of gaining weight and it's blocking you from taking any steps forward
You've destroyed your metabolism from years of dieting and over-exercising
You think about food 1,000,000 x a day
You've been in "quasi recovery" for years.
(ya this ain't recovery darling)
You have no sex drive, have lost your hair, don't sleep well, and have insane digestive issues
You want kids but you're body can't support pregnancy right now
You are stuck in a cycle of restricting and binging
You are recognizing that your "healthy diet" ain't healthy at all
You body check and weigh yourself multiple times a day and it's starting to really take away your power
You are plagued with orthorexic thoughts and feel the need to eat "perfectly"
You're feminine, flirty, fun, energy is no where to be found and you're living in a rigid, structured, and mechanical way.
How this is gonna go...
The transformation happens in 10 key modules
Calling in that bad ass version of YOU
Let's get clear on who you want to BE. We are dreaming big here cause your dreams become your reality. We are calling in the version of you who is super confident, flirty, full of life, sexy, grounded, lovey, and fun!
Through out the program you will be transitioning into this version of YOU.
Answer all my well curated questions in the journal write up then listen to the "visualizing your healthy self" meditation daily!
Deconstructing the diet culture madness
Hate to break it to ya sis, but you have been told some pretty outlandish lies from diet culture, under the guise of "this is what's healthy". We are going to discover what those lies are and refute them so that you no longer are slave to thinking that you must eat or look a certain way to be healthy and loved.
This modules is KEY 🔑 as it will help you see just how pervasive this messaging is. And honey, you don't want to be a diet culture girly... you want to be a well nourished women so let's armor ourselves against its grip on our society.
Activating your Metabolic fire + redefining health
Let me guess... your metabolism is sluggish leading you to have bad digestion, low body temp, hair loss, hormonal issues, low thyroid labs, and a whole host of other issues. Restriction downgrades your metabolic fire and so we are going to get it back 🔥-- this module teaches you how.
And while we are at it-- What is health? We are going to be answering that question as it is probs a lot different than what you think it is.
So if you want health, let's first have a good idea of what that truly means.
Attaining food freedom + nutritionally rehabilitating your body
The modules is PACKED with lessons cause we all know... our relationship with food is probs a *tad* wonky in this moment.
Let's make amends with food-- sounds too good to be true?? It isn't! I will show you how as we clear out orthorexic thoughts, ditch the calorie counting, understand the psychosomatic side of healing digestive issues, get out of the restrict-binge cycle, eliminating ed thoughts around food and the secret key to dealing with extreme hunger.
Healing body image + a new way to look at weight gain
Body checking everyday? Constantly thinking your body isn't good enough? Wishing you had HER body?
Thought so...
Darling you are wasting precious life for energy on hating your body and well, to be frank... it's ruining your life and such a disrespectful thing for you to be doing.
I'd say EVERY person that has ever come to me has been deathly afraid of weight gain, I get it, I was there too! So trust me when I say, I address this topic thoroughly and help you banish that fear... like I did for myself!
The result of this module is you having a whole new perspective on your body and connecting to a level of confidence and self-love that you didn't even know was there. This allows you to finally take a breathe and fully settle into who you are.
Lifestyle shifts that will ensure full mind, body, spirit healing
Your past lifestyle got you into this mess... so we can't just eat more food and then expect us to feel whole and healed.
There are some important shifts to start making to assure that you are living in alignment to what is going to best for your health and wel-being!
The magic of the menstrual cyc
It's utterly ridiculous that most women don't even understand what their period is and how their hormonal cycle works. This leads to us not giving a care in the world when it disappears and/or not making it a priority when things get out of balance.
You're going to understand each phase of your cycle and the energetical season that it brings with it. This will help you understand your cyclical waves and live in more harmony which ameliorates your life as a women sooooo much.
We will also deep dive into what is going on when you have amenorrhea and your period disappears.
Exercising the right way
Like many things in recovery it's all about switching our relationship to that thing. Exercise is a great thing in life, but when it becomes a tool to control, suppress our body weight, and "earn" our food, that good thing becomes bad faster that soured milk.
And girl... we don't want to be drinking soured milk.
Those of you who have an unhealthy relationship with food hate me for even bringing up this topic, but let's go into this with open eyes and truly ascertain what is right for you and this point in your health journey.
Feminine vs masculine energetics
Let me guess...
You're constantly doing things
You have a do do do personality
You are rigid with your routine and structure everything out
You are very in your head and over-think everything
Did I get that right? If so, this module is for YOU.
You've stepped wayyy too far into your masculine and completely forgot about the power and magnetism that comes from living in your feminine essence-- which many of you threw off the edge of the earth years ago.
So we are welcoming back the feminine, and honoring what she has to give us in life so that we can be in equanimity with these two polarities.
An interesting part of this module is the deep dive into the masculine approach vs feminine approach to nutrition-- an epic topic that will open up your eyes a ton.
So get ready to feel open, receptive, juicy, and in your feminine flow!
Living life abundantly + free!
You went through recovery so that you can fully live-- and fully live is what we are going to do.
This module is all about fully stepping into your abundance and living a life of freedom!
The Community is 🔥
This group is NOT hosted on FB! I repeat, this group is NOT hosted of FB-- you deserve more than a boring facebook group. Come join on the app or on desktop in our Kijabi Community!
You don't need another list of "things you get in a program"...
You need proof that you're gonna get good results.
Journal Prompts
Dig into the
Recovery Specific Meditations
Plug into the
My Story
I had a deep feeling of "I'm not enough" when I was 14 years old. I felt like no matter what I did I was never put together enough, pretty enough, smart enough... and this made me deeply insecure.
So I dedicated myself to changing my body so that I could finally "feel enough" + "be enough"... cause having the 'perfect body' would eliminate all these deep rooted feelings of self-hatred... right???
No matter how small I got I still hated myself and found ample areas in my life to overly judge who I was. In my mind at the time, I took this presence of self-hate as a sign that I wasn't skinny enough, hadn't eaten perfectly enough... and down the rabbit whole I went.
I started fasting till I would nearly faint, became fanatic about walking and working out, obsessive over what the scale would show me.
I was diagnosed with Anorexia, lost my period at 14 years old, developed orthorexia (fixation on healthy/perfect eating), and became addicted to exercise as used it as a way to purge.
My life became SMALL and my once good nature, fun, loving personality completely vanished.
I became anxious, stressed, irritable, shut down, numbed out-- it wasn't a good time.
I eventually found myself in a scary place--
24 years old, no period (and a desire to have kids one day), stuck in a nasty binge restrict cycle, dealing with the most insane digestive issues, hair falling out in handfuls, skin yellowing, this weird lump in my throat started to bother me (thyroid issues), insomnia, zero sex drive, zero interest in men or dating... boy I was a mess
There was a lot behind this click, and quite honestly that is what I teach you in my program, but let's just say this-- IT CHANGED EVERYTHING.
I woke up out of the dark depressive, obsessive, restrictive state I was in and stood in my POWER 💥
I dropped all food rules then and there, left the vegan diet I was on, stopped exercising obsessively, started hanging out with friends again, eating food with my family and within 4 months GOT MY PERIOD BACK!
I started to want to be around others again and my personality 100% came back to life. I was smiling, laughing, playing, and building out my dream life.
I felt sexy, confident in who I was + and powerful AF​
The GYFO course is all about teaching you all that I figured out during this recovery journey and what made me successful in creating a new life for myself
So that you can recover too
Over the last 7 years, I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon…
The clients who have gotten the MOST SATISFYING results?
All had one thing in common:
They felt a deep soul resonance with me and my work.
Something about my containers called to them…
They recognized a bolder bigger version of themselves in my expression…and somehow knew that hanging in my orbit would coax this inner rebel genius out of hiding and into the spotlight.
If that’s you, it would be my F*CKING HONOR to be your content, marketing and self-expression coach in 2024.
You also get access too...
My Best Recovery Recipes
no BS, no fake sugar, no low carb rice... these are nourishing supportive foods to help you get your period back!
Tara's story
From infertile to pregnant in
4 months (naturally)
Tara and her husband wanted to start a family but without her period she wasn't able to conceive. She was on a waitlist to see a top fertility specialist to do IVF but then jumped into the program and got her period back naturally and was able to conceive weeks later!​
Krissy's story
Got to the root of what was keeping her stuck
Krissy didn't realize that there was so much behind her restrictive patterns with food and bad body image. She learned to address the real root so that she could completely free herself from these destructive patterns that no longer served her!
Tori's story
A 25 year long struggle with food solved in 5 months
Tori tried it all. She was about to give up after trying various different approaches that left her frustrated and depleted. She resonated with the approach Chloe takes and decided to give it one last go. She has now been blown away by
Chelsea's story
Left the hospital confused to becoming an intuitive eater
Chelsea left the hospital for mal-nourishment lost as to what her next steps where until she found Chlo. They worked together and within a matter of 4 months she tapped back into her intuition and felt a level of food freedom she hasn't tapped into in years!
Elena's story
Period came back + digestive issues cleared!
Elena really wanted her period back but her digestive issues and fear with food was blocking her. She